Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Free Wesley Snipes! | Music: 'Injustice' by Tizzy

The Free Wesley Snipes Movement is a grassroots colition of activist, artist, social media bloggers and intellectuals that want to abolish the criminal injustice system... We audaciously believe that the criminal injustice system is modern-day slavery and we must all become abolitionists. We believe that ordinary people are Harriet Tubmans and Malcolm Xs of today. Ground zero of the struggle is ending the enslavement of 1.1 of African American prisons around america. We have choosen the name of Mr. Snipes because he is a well known African American framed in the system. If miltimillionaires can be wrongfully accused and imprisoned, their is not a lot of hope for persons unable to afford lawyers and lenghty trials. We dedicate our movement to God and to the unborn transcended into the spritual realm, and those living today. We give special thanks to the gifted musican Tizzy Southpole who was divinely inspired to share this of freedom to the world.. No slavery refrains let us break all jokes and chains.. www.freewesleysnipesmovement.webs.com

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