Sunday 27 January 2013


We are at a bit of cross-road at what needs to be done in support of Leon's case. Social media moves so fast & we easily can get distracted by technology & our personal lives sometimes that things of this matter can get confusing. Therefore, we need to know what to do. So Lee has sent us suggestions to keep things progressing: PLAN OF ACTION: 1) FUNDRAISING. Money is always needed. Freedom is not free. Lawyers cost. Leon's Post-Conviction Relief Appeal can resualt in a new trial or another appeal. Either way a lawyer will needed to represent Leon's cases. Here are ways you can support this effort: a) Go buy, promote, &/or donate to Leon's book sell @
b) We are planning a t-shirt funraiser effort designed around this cause, however, we are look for sponsers & the best bulk purchase deal (anyone w/ any info or input concerning this please inbox me a-sap); c) Also help plan fundraiser events (parties, concerts, book release venues, celeb basketball games, food sells, ect.,.) Please contact me w/ your ideas or plans to get started; d) Our goal is to have raised $30,000.00 by July 2013. 2)
 PROMOTE. Please have no reserves about copy-pasting Leon's casestory & other important updates onto your page & group pages; while in public (esp. At social gatherings like church, concerts, pep rallies, ect.,) make those around you aware of Leon's campaign; and pass out printed material concerning this cause. 3) BACK PROJECTS. In 2013 Leon has a lot or projects coming out (a book, mixtape, radio interviews, etc.,) and he will need our backing. To be in prison he does a lot. We are in society and have no excuse not to act. The above should be your concentration regarding this cause. We must not be static in our support. Take initiative. Success only comes to the progressive. Lets keep the wind to the flame here. Ideally, we would like all supporters to be in solidarity. But this is impossible due to locations, scheduals, & personalities differences. Therefore, we designed this campaign in a "decentralized" way where group & individual efforts will help accomplish practical goals. So inbox me if you'd rather work alone or without being known to the public. We'll make it all make sense in a holistic way to FREE LEON BENSON. OVERSTAND: "All sincere effort is rewarded, no matter how small." Keep up your efforts in 2013. Big things are going to happen. Thank you for your time & God bless you. TEAM LEON LETS GO! 
 Sincerely, Valerie Buford

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